Jane Oldfield Counselling




I offer individual supervision to trainee, qualified and accredited counsellors and psychotherapists working with individual adults in private practice and a variety of organisations including charities, the NHS and EAPs. 

Therapy chair


Certificate in Supervision from the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy.

Essential Supervision Skills (BPS Approved Certificate in Clinical Supervision) 

Accredited member British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (MBACP (Accred.))

PG Dip. Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy (from an Integrative Perspective) (Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy)

Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling

Model of supervision

My supervision practice is based is based mainly on Hawkins & Shohet’s (1985) Seven Eyed Supervision Model although I also draw on the developmental model of Stoltenberg & Delworth.

Hawkins and Shohet’s Seven Eyed Model is widely used, offering a relational and systemic exploration of the client, therapist and supervisor, the relationships between them and the wider organisational context. 

The developmental model of Stoltenberg & Delworth highlights a the need for a supervisor to recognise the supervisee’s current developmental level and is particularly helpful in supporting supervisees as their career develops.

Therapeutic orientation and experience

I consider myself to be truly a integrative therapist with a post graduate diploma in transactional analysis, a diploma in integrative counselling and extensive additional training in, and experience of delivering, CBT based therapies within the NHS. I also have extensive experience of time limited therapies though my work with EAPs and applying various modalities to this context of work.

As well as my work in the NHS and for EAPs I have been running my own successful private practice for the last 7 years within which I have worked on a long term basis with most clients. I have also worked as a volunteer at a Category C male prison and at the Stockport Women’s Centre giving me a wealth of knowledge in relation to the organisational challenges often experienced by practitioners.

Specialist areas

I have a particular interest in the impact of childhood experiences on psychological wellbeing and ability to engage in and maintain healthy relationships.

I also have extensive specialist knowledge of working with eating disorders (having spent 8 years working within an NHS Adult community ED service and am fully trained in both CBT-E (Oxford CREDO) and MANTRA (Kings College and South London and Maudsley).

Supervision face to face in Poynton, Stockport or online

Supervision can be either face to face at my spacious garden office in Poynton, Stockport or online by Zoom.

Fees & availability

Fees for supervision are £55 per hour (60 minutes).

Requirements for supervision may vary but would usually be 1.5 hours per month.

For students on placement the fees include writing all required reports and liaising with placements/ training organisations as necessary.

Get in touch

I offer a initial session without charge to explore the possibility of working together. This will give us both the opportunity to ask any questions we may have about each other and for us to decide if we feel we can work together.  

Please use the contact form below or call or text me on 07958 020372.

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